One minute we’re waiting for the sky to fall The next minute we're dazzled by the beauty of it all.
When you’re lovers in a dangerous time.
By Third World
These are exciting but dangerous times.
Those of us who are lovers are often forced to go against our natures,
forced to take a stand,
forced to fight to protect our hearts.
Because we’re lovers we’d rather love and be lovers of life,
lovers of liberty,
lovers of the pursuit of happiness and pleasure
and to live in peace and harmony.
Because we’re lovers we’d prefer to believe in the idealism of democracy
and the unifying ties of all humanity with all living creatures
on this small planet floating in space with infinity as the only true border.
But these are dangerous times.
So many haters have polarized our ideals.
So many haters fear that there is not enough to go around,
that some are not worthy,
that diversity is a crime,
that civility is a weakness,
that love is naïve,
that war is a necessary economic
and that God takes sides.
In these dangerous times it feels
as though we’re being held hostage by a palpable insanity.
And even though there is beauty all around us,
even though there are people and communities that work tirelessly
on the behalf of those in need or for the betterment of all,
we have to search through the rubble of information
to find the beauty and the simple pleasures hidden in our daily lives.
And even though nature relentlessly showers us
with just the right amount of everything
to keep us breathing in the correct ratio of gases,
and keeps us anchored with just the right degree of gravity,
and keeps the sun at just the right distance for optimal life,
and even though creators dazzle us with amazing innovation,
and even though there is plenty - more than enough for everyone -
it seems that so many of us fail to notice or appreciate
how exceedingly delicate is the balance.
To be a lover in these dangerous times means

that our hearts are perpetually broken.
Is it not heartbreaking to learn of the extinction of so many species,
the extermination of so many cultures,
the unnecessary poverty of so many people,
the starvation and disease afflicting so many children,
the brutal conditions endured by so many in war infested nations,
the chemical chaos spewed into the environment,
the abuse of authority by both church and state,
as well as the renegade banking systems that have enslaved
all of us on this planet in varying degrees?
What does it take to turn the tide?
Rather than waiting for the sky to fall,
I still prefer to be dazzled by the beauty of it all.
I’m still striving to be a lover in these dangerous times.
How does that serve to turn the tide?
Alone, it does not. But there are many of us.
Togetherness turns the tide - one way or the other.
Let’s all stay lovers in these dangerous times
and assist in turning the tide
toward the nurturing and nourishment of all.